Projekt: CZ.01.2.06/0.0/0.0/15_038/0006053

Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness – TECHNOLOGY Programme
How the European Union and the European Regional Development Fund helped?

In 2016-2017, new production technologies were acquired under the project “Renewal of machinery and technological equipment”. This project under the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness – TECHNOLOGY Programme was co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic.
In the period from 01/2016 to 12/2017 the following production technologies were acquired by FRESO, spol. s r.o. within the project:

  • MT550i CNC lathe, including accessories
  • electroerosive wire cutter Mitsubishi MV1200S, including accessories
  • CNC milling centre MCV1270 POWER, including accessories
  • six-axis turning and milling machining centre DMG MORI NLX2500/700, including accessories
  • two-column band saw with CNC control Pegas 400×400 Herkules X-CNC, including accessories

Project: CZ.1.03/2.2.00/13.01807

Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation – DEVELOPMENT
How did the European Union and the European Regional Development Fund help?

In 2013 – 2014, new production machines were purchased within the project “Numerically controlled machine tools”. This project under the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation – DEVELOPMENT was co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic.
In the period from 01/2013 to 06/2014 the following production machines were purchased by FRESO, spol. s r.o. within the project:

  • CNC milling centre MCV1270 SPEED, including accessories
  • XYZ SMX 3500 numerically controlled milling machine, including accessories